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  • Come to school regularly and always be on time.
  • Attending the Morning Assembly is compulsory.
  • Keep the school premises clean and tidy and use all school property with respect and care.
  • Always be clean, well groomed and in proper school uniform.
  • Bring Diary to school daily. Do not scribble in the diary and do not use it as a rough copy. Must maintain regularity & punctuality.
  • Cover your school books neatly with brown paper/Plastic Sheet and properly name them. Always come to school with the required stationery and books.
  • Cultivate a good sportsman spirit and be fair and honest in your work and dealings.
  • Pupils should be simple and modest in their dress. Gold ornaments should not be used.
  • Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their own books or belongings.
  • Students suffering from contagious or infectious diseases will not be allowed to sit in the class.
  • Greet your friends, teachers and elders suitably and make them happy. Always respect your elders and teachers.
  • All children should be particularly careful not to throw any papers, seed etc., on the floor, in the school premises or in the compound. The waste paper basket should be used for that purpose.
  • Parents or others are not allowed to interview students or teachers during class hours without the sanction of the Principal.
  • Report of marks and conduct of students will be sent to parents and that should be returned to the school duly signed.
  • When pupils move along the corridors to another class while going up and coming down the staircase, the rule is KEEP LEFT.
  • The change of address of students should be informed to the school authorities in due time.
  • Parents should attend the Parent’s Day Meeting whenever it is convened.
  • Parents are always welcome to school to check up the progress of their children in studies and formation. This visit will serve a lot to strength parent-teacher relationship, essential in education. But all should see that this may not cause any disturbance to the regular work of the class.
  • No student is allowed to go home during the school hours except for extreme necessity and escorted by guardian or on producing proper letter from parent or guardian.
  • Pupils from one class are not allowed to be in other class room during the intervals.